• Space of Mine
  • Cirieco Design
  • AIWC American Women’s Club of Geneva


15% discount on all parties booked before end of June 2015

Imagine having a real life princess or superhero come to your child’s party. How exciting that would be!

At Once Upon A Time Parties your child’s wish could actually come true! Set up by mother of 2 children, Melissa Madeira, this Lausanne-based party entertainment business organizes real life princesses and other super-heros and -heroines to attend both private and corporate events in the Vaud/Geneva areas.

Melissa told knowitall.ch, “I decided to start this business because as a mum I was always looking for new and interesting party ideas and I knew other mums in the same position. Princesses and superheroes are so popular with little kids that I really wanted to create a special and unique party option for them.”

alimentarium2016 foodsector
Thirty years on from its opening, the Alimentarium is preparing to close temporarily from 24 August in order to undergo an unprecedented transformation. Ahead of its reopening scheduled for June 2016, the museum held a press conference recently to launch the Alimentarium Academy platform, a totally new online learning ecosystem, and to provide a preview of the new scenography of the new permanent exhibition. As the Alimentarium makes a definitive turn towards digital media, it is positioning itself as a globally unique Centre of Competence, dedicated to matters of food and nutrition.

A pioneering online learning ecosystem
Driven by the desire to make its expertise and resources available to as many people as possible, the museum has created its Alimentarium Academy, a pioneering educational platform aimed at pupils and their teachers. Specialists and experts in digital education designed this new venture around three axes: online lesson material that allows children to learn while having fun; online courses aimed at teachers wishing to devise food and nutrition-related lessons with activities, games and videos and, finally, a mobile app, which encourages reflection and dialogue between parents and children on the topic of food. This complementary and interconnected educational programme is available on smartphones and tablets, in French, German and English.

signaldebougy view

There aren’t many places that tick all the boxes for a day out with the family, but the Parc Pré Vert at Signal de Bougy appears to do just that.

Located on the hillside half way between Geneva and Lausanne, several hundred meters above Lake Geneva, the park covers an area of about 110 acres, of which 40 are dedicated to welcoming children and their families. Among the park’s visitors you can also count on diners looking for fine food with a view, as well as business people who recognize the excellent value of the “forfait seminaire” when booking a meeting place for their work colleagues.

Once of the first things you notice when you drive up to Signal de Bougy is the outstanding vista!   There can be few places in Vaud where you get such a great vantage point looking down the lake in one direction towards the fountain at Geneva, back again in the other direction towards Montreux and Le Bouveret, and of course straight ahead towards the Alps and Mont Blanc.

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An additional 20% discount for each new friend you bring along (see conditions below)!

A new photographic club has just been set up for the English-speaking community of Geneva.

Launched officially in March 2015, the new Geneva Photo Club provides a range of training courses for amateur photography enthusiasts, including beginner classes for owners of DSLR or equivalent cameras, training sessions on how to take better photos with a smartphone, and street photography workshops. The club also plans to introduce shortly more advanced courses for portrait/studio photography, night/landscape photography, and software training for Adobe’s Lightroom and Photoshop. Click here for more detailed course descriptions.

Running the Geneva Photo Club are 3 Geneva-based photographers: Oguzhan (Osan) Altun, a freelancer specializing in landscape, beauty, and portrait photography; Eugene Theodore, an experienced international reportage and fashion photographer; and Jeremy Spierer, an awarded freelancer specializing in street photography. You can find more information on each of the photographers on the club website here.

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A season outside, 1998, Amar Kanwar © Amar Kanwar
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum has just opened a new temporary exhibition entitled “Experiments with Truth: Ghandi and the Images of Nonviolence”.

Organized by The Menil Collection, Houston, the exhibition features a selection of around one hundred works of art, documents and photographs tracing Ghandi’s personal, spiritual, ethical and political path. From the origins of his thinking to the extent of his legacy, the exhibition promotes a dialogue between cultures, arts and techniques: tantric paintings, extremely rare Koranic parchments and Jain sculptures feature alongside works by contemporary artists such as Yves Klein, Dan Flavin, Ai Wei Wei and Amar Kanwar.

In partnering The Menil Collection, one of the most important private collections in the USA, founded by Jean and Dominique Menil, the aim of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum is to encourage reflection on the nature of nonviolence and to create space for dialogue between the exhibits, which come from a wide range of historical, cultural and aesthetic contexts.