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Melitta Campbell - Business Coach and Mentor

Melitta Campbell copyMelitta Campbell

Melitta is a Business Coach and Mentor with nearly 3 decades of business experience and a passion for helping women confidently build a business they love.
She is also the founder of the Swiss Entrepreneurs Club and even held a position in 2019 as the president of the Swiss Riviera Toastmasters Club in Montreux. Not to waste any energy, Melitta is an integral part of the TEDxLausanne team. She recently founded New Female Entrepreneurs Club which boasts a podcast of the same name.
Originally from Wales, she now lives in Montreux in a chalet she has renovated with her husband overlooking the Swiss Alps.

A Shy Girls Guide to Networking

We are so excited for one of our regular knowitall.ch bloggers, Melitta Campbell, as she has recently wrote and published a book. A Shy Girl's Guide to Networking is ready to order right now. She has kindly offered 5 signed copies for a competition; read on to find out how.

If you’ve ever wondered how some people network so effortlessly, while you feel awkward and out of place, this book is for you.

Written from a shy girl’s perspective, in this book Melitta Campbell shares the exact steps introverts can take to master the three phases of networking, both online and in person, to build powerful and lasting relationships.

As an introvert herself, getting out into the ‘networksphere’ was always a battle for Melitta until she created her innovative VICTORY Formula. This laid out her own rules of engagement, enabling her to embrace her natural abilities as an introvert, grow in confidence and shine while networking. In learning this formula for yourself, you’ll be able to enjoy the same results.

This small, but mighty book will help you:

  • Overcome your networking fears and hesitations
  • Create your personalised networking vision and plan
  • Manage engaging conversations and move on politely
  • Leverage the three phases of networking for business success
  • Build your personal brand through your in person and online networking
  • Embrace your natural (and powerful) skills as an introvert
  • …and much more!


By Melitta Campbell, www.melittacampbell.com

Why have a business coach when there is so much great FREE information and amazing ‘virtual mentors’ on YouTube?

I was asked this question by a business owner, and I thought it was a fantastic question. It’s true, there is a lot of great people and content offering free advice on YouTube and I whole-heartedly encourage you to find one or two of these ‘virtual mentors’ to help you in your business education. However, their advice will be limited in its ability to move your business forward for these five reasons:

1. A Video Offers Advice – not Feedback
When you work with a business coach, you get access to someone who can give you feedback and advice on everything you plan and everything you do within your business – a video can’t provide these valuable insights.

2. Great Advice is not always the Right Advice!
Businesses go through different phases and, while there are certainly no-fail strategies that work for all businesses, knowing how and when to implement them is an art that will save you time, effort and money.

On the flip-side, not knowing when or how to adopt these strategies will lead to overwhelm and cause you to feel stuck, and can destroy your mindset.

Your business coach knows you, your business and your ideal clients, so can help you understand when to implement certain strategies, and guide you in adapting them to your business. Saving you hours, weeks or even months of trial and error – not to mention saving you money and a lot of frustration!

3. No Accountability
We do two things in life. We do what we love and we do what we are being watched on.

As your own boss, you are accountable to yourself and, as you’ve probably already experience, this often leads up to get caught up on doing the little things, instead of remaining laser-focused on the important activities that really move the needle in your business.

This is where your business coach is invaluable, in helping you stay focused and consistent in your business.


By Melitta Campbell, www.melittacampbell.com

No one starts out in business as a successful entrepreneur. It’s what you become in the process of creating, trying, failing and learning. There is a certain magic in learning and building as you go too, which makes creating and growing a business all the more exciting.

But this excitement is often accompanied by fear and doubt.

You know you want to start a business, but if you don’t know exactly where to start it can feel like a daunting task, leading you to feel overwhelmed and start doubting your ability to make your dreams a reality. Then the fear of how others will react to your ideas can creep in too. Success can feel like a distant dream – procrastination is often the easier option!

Fear, doubt and overwhelm are all normal reactions when creating your own business. It’s easy to get caught in a cycle of self-doubt, questioning your abilities and worrying about what others think. The result? We stay small. We don’t allow ourselves to dream big or chase what we truly want.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way. By taking the right actions, doubt can be turned into determination! Here’s how…

Ditch the traditional business plan
There’s a common misconception that to be successful in business you need to start with a fancy business plan, elaborate marketing strategy and beautiful website.

While these are important, they can often distract you from answering the real questions that will help you form the foundation of a solid long-lasting and heart-centred business.


By Melitta Campbell, www.melittacampbell.com

It’s no surprise that at this time of year we hear a lot about business planning, and setting goals and intentions for the year ahead.
But what does it really mean, to set goals?
How do you go about turning your vague ideas into crystal-clear intentions?
And where do you even start with your business planning?

When it comes to planning what you want to achieve in your business in 2020 – and life in general for that matter – wishes are not enough; you need to take action. No matter where you are in your business, you need a clear plan for taking action to turn your dreams into reality.

Fail to plan, and you plan to fail
Have you heard that phrase before? I love its simplicity and its truth.

You see, I’ve learned that the formula for success is actually quite simple:

  • have a clearly defined and inspiring goal
  • create a plan for how you will achieve that goal
  • detail and schedule the activities you need to carry out
  • take consistent action to complete those activities.

But so often I see people start with a rough idea of what they want to do but not move any further ahead. They never fully flesh out their goal or take the time to plan and schedule what needs to be done.

Melitta workshop

© Marta Villacampa, Family Photographer, Gland

By Melitta Campbell www.melittacampbell.com

Being a trailing spouse can be an exciting and enriching experience. You get the chance to not only visit a new country, but to live and experience its people, culture and language on a deeper level than you ever would as a tourist. Exciting as this is, as a trailing spouse myself, I know that it can also be frustrating, lonely and isolating!

One of the biggest frustrations can be finding work. In a land where you don't know the culture, speak the language or have a network, finding employment is no easy task. Being away from friends and family, and having no clear direction or purpose, can lead you to lose confidence in yourself and your abilities – which certainly does not help the job-seeking process!

Since moving to Switzerland 15 years ago, I’ve discovered that I’m not alone in feeling the excitement, but also the frustrations of expat life. That’s why I wanted to share what’s worked well for me, in case it could be the perfect career solution for you as well – becoming my own boss.

My experience of running a business as an expat

When I started out on my own 11 years ago, I barely spoke the local language, I had a small network and I had no experience of running my own business. I also had a bonnie 5-month old baby on my hands!

Starting my own business was not the easy choice. But today, I’m proud of the confident businesswoman I’ve grown into, as well as the many other women I’ve helped to launch their own successful business too.

I’ve seen first hand that even if you have little or no experience, it is very possible to start a business here – if you have courage to commit to your dream and take the first step.

Here’s why I feel owning your own business can be a great work option for trailing spouses…