DoudouPerdu to the rescue when the all-important toddler's comforter goes missing
Since time began, security blankets and soft toys have been the bane of most parents' existence. The dependance and comfort a child gets from this attachment has long been studied by doctors, scientists, psychologists, and psychiatrists! They refer to them as transitional psychological supports that give concrete emotional reassurance. Yes, on one hand, there are real advantages; on the other, tantrums and stress when they are lost, missing, in the wash, or tattered to the point of no return can be disturbing. A beloved stuffed animal, a soft edged blanket, or a scrap of fabric that is unrecognizable to the average beholder is a must-have accessory in the sight of the youngster!
In English, the proper names and synonyms are often altered by the child but start off as:
- blankie
- softie
- comfie
In French, they fall under the following appellations:
- doudou
- toutou
- nin-nin
- peluche
Of course, these names are often renamed by the child.
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