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Follow Lisa - Recipes

FollowLisaScreen1Follow Lisa: See her collections (many, many), her crafts that touch on every type, and hear snippets of advice, tips, and information relating to her little "museum"!
Encouraged by her family and friends, Lisa jumped at the chance to share her passion for her collections, her creations, her junking excursions, and the colorful home she lives in. Tutorials, DIY, informative tips, cooking favorites, testing, cleaning and display advice, "What is it? Wednesdays", and creative solutions round out this "Follow Lisa" channel. New video loaded every week.

If you would like to Follow Lisa, please click "subscribe" and the little bell to stay abreast of new posts! Comments are more than welcome too.

dumplings followlisa

Click on image for the video recipe

There is nothing more comforting than a bowl of homemade Chicken and Dumplings! Everyone makes dumplings differently and, although these are not up to the standard of my Tennessee family, we still enjoy them!

This can be refrigerated once cooled down, or frozen. It is even better as leftover so make sure to double the recipe if you are feeding a crowd!

A funny story is when I hid a portion of the soup to give to one of my friends who was under the weather. I thought I would pull out all the old jars of chutneys and mustards and hide it behind there in a ziplock bag. That evening when I was just about to deliver it to her, I couldn't find the portion! I thought, "I remember putting here... where could it be?" I went to the kitchen garbage and found the empty ziplock bag in there! My son had found it and eaten it! When I confronted him later, he said, "I didn't know it was being saved for someone else." I repeated to him that I hid it there thinking no-one would move those jars to find it. I was very apologetic to my friend...

margarita pie title knowitall2

Click on photo for short video recipe

Remember, Tequila + Lime + Salt = perfect combo! Here is another recipe that came in handy when my oven was on the blitz a few years ago. No need to bake and assembled very quickly... but leave time for it to set. 

I think it works well and more elegantly if you omit the crust and pour the filling into margarita glasses and top with a few pretzels! Either way, you won't be disappointed.

Recipe below:

tarte soleil 3

This is an easy recipe that anyone can make. AND it is very impressive... everyone will ask you how you did it!

Savory tart
2 round disks of puff pastry
1 egg or coffee cream or milk

Choose one of these savory ideas or invent your own
1. Cream cheese, tapenade, chorizo, sesame seeds (top)
2. Smoked salmon, Cantadou or Tartare or cream cheese, crispy fried onions (top)
3. Sun dried tomato spread, mozzarella, oregano (top)
4. Red pepper spread, cheddar cheese
5. Anchovie paste, artichoke paste, parmesan cheese (top)
6. Blue cheese, diced pear
7. Mayonnaise, sliced chicken, crispy bacon, sunflower seeds (top)

tarte soleil 1


The difference between this banana bread and other recipes is the 4-hour marination that takes place to ferment the "liquor" before adding the flour. The result will not taste like any other banana bread you have ever had before! The color of the finished product resembles gingerbread.

**Prep and cooking takes 5 hours**

3 ripe bananas, mashed
1/3 cup melted butter (75g)
¾ cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 Tablespoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
Pinch of salt
1 ½ cups flour, sifted
Chopped walnuts to garnish (optional)


🍫🍐 Follow Lisa: Gooey Chocolate Cookies with Dried Pear - Belle Hélène

This recipe makes 18 cookies

  • 40g flour (8 teaspoons) (or 50g gluten free flour)
  • 50g unsweetened cocoa powder (10 teaspoons)
  • 120g white sugar (1 cup)
  • 1/8 teaspoon baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • 120g dried pear, cut up (1 cup)
  • 90g chocolate chips (3/4 cup)
  • 1 egg
  • 60g of melted butter (4 Tablespoons)
