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Upcoming workshop on Sunday, 24 March from 9h30-13h30

What is The Brain Based Parenting Bootcamp?
The Brain Based Parenting Bootcamp is a parenting course designed and developed by Dr Jo Mueller, a Clinical Psychologist and Rachel Colin-Jones, a Paediatric & Specialist Family Nurse, who have a combined 30 years of experience working with families around the world. The course covers the most important information about children's brain development and shows how this impacts on behaviour. This sets the context for understanding how to more effectively manage behaviour. We provide a toolbox of practical parenting strategies that are effective, easy to remember and implement and enable parents to be calmer and to shout less. Importantly, the whole course is built on a solid scientific evidence base meaning parents can trust the information and strategies and have confidence that this approach will also support their child's long term emotional and psychological health. The course has been running for 18 months now and is consistently highly rated by parents and correlated with real change.

How does it work?
First parents watch 3.5 hours of on-demand, bite-sized video content in their own time. Then they book into a 4 hour in-person workshop where Dr Jo and Rachel help to tailor the content and strategies to each individual family. This is also an opportunity to meet and share experiences with other like-minded parents and to build local community. Parents retain lifetime access to the videos and to the course workbook.

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It is called the brain based parenting bootcamp and is aimed at parents with children between 18 months and 5 years old. The course has 3.5 hours of on-demand videos where we teach parents all about their children's brains and how stage of brain development impacts upon behaviour. In the second half of the video content we give parents a tool kit of strategies that are based on the information about the brain and have been tried and tested to support behaviour management that is also linked with long term emotional and psychological health.


Once parents have watched the videos they can book onto an in-person workshop where we spend 4 hours with them applying the information to their children and families, answering questions and building community.

The course has been running for 18 months and is consistently highly rated. 


Dr Jo Mueller, Clinical Psychologist & Parent Consultant

Rachel Colin-Jones, Specialist Family Nurse and Parent, Coach from Our Parenting Journeys Geneva