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Browell Interiors offers initial consultancy meeting free to knowitall.ch clients.

As the New Year approaches, what better time to start thinking about bringing in a few changes at home. It doesn’t need to be anything too grand - just a few alterations here and there can make all the difference to how you feel about your personal space. Maybe your bedroom needs a fresh look, or perhaps your lounge would benefit from a few carefully chosen accessories to create a more intimate feel to it? Whatever your desire, interior designer, Isabell Browell, has years of experience helping local families, in particular expats, to create their perfect home.

Isabell told knowitall.ch “My passion for changing and improving the look of my own home led me into the world of interior design. It all began 10 years ago, when I built and project-managed our own chalet in the French Alps and I felt that I wanted to get involved in other projects. When friends started to ask me for advice on their houses I realised that I could do the same for others and help create homes which people love spending time in.”


She added, “As well as enrolling on an interior design course, I joined forces with a well-established interior decorator. Our projects involved working for clients in France, Switzerland, UK, Italy and the USA. Being able to speak English, German and French has been essential for my work with clients across Europe.”

When Isabell moved to Switzerland in ****, she realized very quickly that the market here is very different to the UK and France. In her experience, expats struggle to find a good variety of furniture and accessories for their homes, so everybody ends up going to the same outlets and buying the same products.

Her aim is to bring the advantages of interior decoration to people no matter how big or small their project. Part of her work is to locate products, which are just a little bit different to the local choice, and which can be shipped to Switzerland or nearby France.

She offers a wide range of services to clients, covering anything from a complete interior makeover to changing just a few small aspects of a room or house. Given the international nature of this region and the high number of people arriving and leaving, she also offers a Home Staging service to those who need help preparing their homes for future letting or sale.


Isabell’s website, www.browellinteriors.com, outlines the full range of services she offers, all of which can be adapted to individual clients’ needs. They include a personal shopping service, reorganizing and decluttering your home, color coordination, finding furniture and accessories, and purchasing goods, all of which can be part of a small mini-project or a full interior decorating service.

Asked if people can afford her services during periods of economic downturn, Isabelle replied, “Working with an interior decorator does not always require a large budget. It can often be a money saver as I can help clients avoid expensive mistakes when planning changes to their rooms or properties. I will always source the best possible products within my client`s budget, so there is no need to worry about overspending!”

One client, Shazia Malik, said this about Isabell. “There are not enough words to describe what a great interior designer she is. Two years ago we bought a derelict house in Founex. I was overwhelmed by how much work was ahead of me. A friend then recommended Isabel so I enlisted her to help me decorate the whole house once the building work was completed. Her manner is so personable and we got on immediately. She adapted to my taste and was not pushy in imposing her style. She listened to what I wanted and her design repertoire is vast. She helped me order many items from the UK and France. She has a great ability to immediately adapt to the clients needs and work with that. I cannot recommend Isabel Browell highly enough, and will be eternally grateful to her for helping me create a beautifully decorated family home.“


Another client, Pauline Beresford, told us, “Isabell helped me to remodel the open plan living area in our home. She understood our taste and was able to work with our existing furnishings, rearranging the layout, adding new items and colour to create a fresh, more modern feel. She came up with lots of great ideas and products which we would never have thought of on our own, and which were within our budget! She also has great contacts for sourcing and shipping products, a godsend when living in Switzerland. She's fun, energetic and wonderful to work with. I cannot recommend Isabell enough.”

Isabell also publishes a regular blog talking about products and interiors, which have caught her eye. During her research for clients, she often comes across interesting, quirky and beautiful furniture and accessories, which she likes to share with others. From latest color and design trends and `where to get them`, to ideas for seasonal room and table decorations, she is always on the lookout for something with a difference to inspire. Some of the companies featured in her blogs also offer special discounts to her blog readers, so it is well worth taking a look. Read her latest blog here, which is packed with interesting ideas for Christmas gifts!

discount-button150newTo encourage knowitall.ch clients to try out her new services, Isabell has kindly offered to provide her first consultancy meeting free to anyone interested in making a few changes at home. So, if you have been thinking about getting some work done on your property, but don’t know where to begin, then give Isabell a call. Don't forget to mention this article to get your first meeting free. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Browell Interiors

Isabell Browell Interior Design
7A Chemin des Pontets
1297 Founex
079 616 1411
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