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Yateendra Sinh is the CEO of Lausanne Hospitality Consulting SA, the Consulting and Executive Education subsidiary of Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne.

Since moving to Switzerland in 2000, Yateendra Sinh has delivered training and consultancy on strategic, managerial and operational issues, in over 36 countries.

He is a graduate in Economics from the University of Bombay and has a three-year post-graduate Diploma in Hotels & Management. He very kindly accepted to be interviewed. His thoughts and reflections about lifelong learning are not only insightful but also inspiring.

I hope you enjoy his interview as much as I did.



Sunita Sehmi: When and where did it all begin for you?
Yateendra Sinh: School was a foundation, early University years were the first realisation of how to seek applicable knowledge, rather than just theoretical content; and the first 5 years of my working life confirmed that lifelong learning was the only way forward. The day you stop learning, you die. From a geographical perspective, I started my working life in India, travelled to Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia on business and was then surprised to get invited to come and work in beautiful CH.

Sunita Sehmi: What does life long learning mean to you?
Yateendra Sinh: The ability of a human being to absorb information from their external environment (diverse sources, formal and non-structured); retain it within themselves and use it in a relevant format, when the need arises. This is almost akin to a tool kit, which a master craftsman carries, and his or her ability to produce the most relevant instrument for the job at hand.

Sunita Sehmi: What do you think of the four pillars of lifelong learning?
Yateendra Sinh: The four pillars listed by you are the pillars of education, so include all formal education prior to moving into a mode of lifelong learning. I agree with the pillars and encourage every parent to start measuring how their wards sit within this spectrum. Upon reaching adulthood, I would encourage every human being to measure themselves against these four dimensions and evaluate whether they are making progress, year on year.

Sunita Sehmi: Which pillar is the most important in your opinion?
Yateendra Sinh: Learning to be. I suppose the French terms of savoir être and savoir vivre are the best way to describe this pillar of learning. In life, the battle is always within yourself; and the truth also lies within; thus, having the ability to first manage yourself, your values and social existence is the most important capability.

Sunita Sehmi: Which pillar are people struggling with?
Yateendra Sinh: Learning to live together. We are in a confused world of values. Man is a social animal, so by nature one seeks to confirm within a pack/ community; but, on the other end, wealth is used as a monetary measure of success, and wealth in currency terms can only be acquired by taking it away from another human being…a confusing dichotomy! This, compounded with geographical boundaries, religious divides and lesser-learned individuals is a recipe for trouble. Thus, we struggle with our ability to live with each other.

Sunita Sehmi: All the literature tells us to keep learning but how can we fit it all in with the pressure of professional and personal commitments?
Yateendra Sinh: This is a nice challenge, if you partition learning time and working and living time. It's not a problem at all if you merge your working time with your personal time and your learning time. The human brain is limitless and it is at its best when you can make your work as much fun as your play. So learning is a function of the state of your mind and an attitude towards absorbing knowledge continuously, rather than the opening hours of a shopping mall.   

Sunita Sehmi: Could you share some of your strategies that we could use to keep learning?
Yateendra Sinh: I read one random article a day, especially on a topic, which is not interesting to me. I review my daily performance and think about one area where I could have done better.
Get into one argument or discussion every day.
Praise, or reward one person every day.

Sunita Sehmi: What is the best piece of advice you were ever given?
Yateendra Sinh: Listen.

Sunita Sehmi: What's the next challenge for us?
Yateendra Sinh: Infect the world with the positive bug of lifelong learning, rather than focusing on petty politics of region, divisions and creed.

Sunita Sehmi: What's next for you?
Yateendra Sinh: Lead our Corporate Management Programme 2015, which is a 5-day experience for senior managers. Within this programme, each participant analyses their personal brand and the cohort helps each attendee to define a set of values and skills, which will make for a more effective leader. Benefits of this programme are 360 degrees, so positively improve the working, social and family lives of each of our participants.

For more information about the Corporate Management Programme at Lausanne Hospitality Consulting SA, or their CEO, Yateendra Sinh, click on the links below.



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Sunita is an Executive Coach, Trainer and Consultant. She is of Indian origin and was born in London before moving to Geneva in 1992. She has a Psychology background (specialising in Occupational Psychology) and a Post Graduate in the Development and Training of Adults. She also completed a Masters in Ressources Humaines, Coaching et Gestion des Carrières at the University of Geneva.

During her 25 years experience Sunita's drive has always been to help people to do their best and hence led her to create Walk The Talk.

In her free time Sunita is a Mentor for the Branson Center of Entrepreneurship and a proud member of the School in The Cloud Team.
