• Space of Mine
  • Cirieco Design
  • AIWC American Women’s Club of Geneva

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May and June are usually two of the busiest months on knowitall.ch and this year is no exception. Over the last few weeks we have received a record number of requests to post information about summer camps on our Activities Calendar for Kids, and the emails are still coming in!

You can see the full listing of camps by visiting our Activities Calendar for Kids. Don’t forget that you can filter the camps by category by using the colored legend at the bottom of the page.  Since we are now on Pinterest, we have also posted some of the more eye-catching promotional flyers sent through to us on our new Pinterest board for Kids Activities.

To give you a taste of what’s on offer, here is a selection of the camps we have listed:

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Lots of family tickets to be won, including a camping ticket for 4 worth Fr. 248.-!

An exciting new program of activities and events is being planned for children and their families at this year’s Lilibiggs Festival Pour Enfants in Bougy-Villars, Vaud.

Sponsored by Migros, the festival will take place over 2 days at the popular Signal-de-Bougy park, on 18 and 19 July, 2015. This year’s event will feature lots of new activities for children and their parents and will draw on the support of many local artists and musicians to offer entertainment ranging from music, magicians, and circus presentations, through to story-telling, a juggling class, Tai Chi lessons, and a special workshop focusing on the 5 senses. The Surfrider Foundation will also be present with lots of great ideas on how to keep beaches, lakes and rivers clean. In addition, there will a special games area focusing on traditional, wooden board games, the likes of which many young kids will never have seen before!


Special discount for knowitall.ch readers! (see conditions below)

If you have ever spent any time with a donkey you will realize how rewarding they can be, especially for young children.  You can pet them, brush them, ride on their backs and even be led on a carriage by them, they are such versatile, easy-going animals!

One person who recognized the true value of donkeys at a very young age is Ursula Bivans, current owner of 13 donkeys at the popular Elevage des Charmilles, located in stunning countryside near Dardagny, to the west of Geneva.

Ursula told knowitall.ch, “As a child, I decided that when I was older, I would have a donkey that would never work, to make up a little bit for all the poor, overworked donkeys in the world. My dream came true in 1980 with the arrival of Benny. I soon discovered that donkeys don’t like to live alone, so I got her some girlfriends and eventually a handsome boyfriend. Over the years they had many babies, some of which I sold, but donkeys are so lovable that this was getting more and more difficult. So I quit breeding and selling them.”


A giant, 200m long water slide will be set up in the heart of Geneva on Saturday 13 June 2015!

Organized by the local newspaper, Les Nouvelles, Gliss’en Ville is the first event of its kind in Switzerland, and is inspired by similar “Slip and Slide” events that have enjoyed phenomenal success recently in England and the United States.  

Wishing to create a unique and memorable event accessible to everyone living in and around Geneva, Les Nouvelles will set up their giant waterslide for the public on the rue Voltaire between 13h and 18h on Saturday 13 June 2015. Centrally located with a gentle, natural slope, rue Voltaire is the perfect location for Geneva’s first giant waterslide.

Adults and children aged at least 7 years old and measuring 1m30 or above are invited to take the plunge either in swim suits, dressed in disguise, or fully clad – whatever takes their fancy!  Clothing with zips or other accessories likely to damage the slide are forbidden.  Brightly coloured buoys, air mattresses and body boards will be available for the more adventurous participants! Festive music combined with various animations will contribute to what can only be described as a great summer holiday atmosphere!

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The Characterising ExOPlanet Satellite (CHEOPS) mission is a joint ESA-Switzerland project, dedicated to "searching for exoplanetary transits on bright stars already known to host planets". The instrument will be able to point towards almost any location in the sky and perform ultrahigh precision photometry. The CHEOPS Space telescope is scheduled to be launched at the end of 2017 and will look from the Earth's oribit at planets in other solar systems.

Send your drawing into Space!
Together with the CHEOPS Space telescope, the CHEOPS Mission Organization plans to launch 3000 children’s drawings into space. They will be engraved in miniaturized form onto a plaque, which will be mounted on the telescope by a prominent representative of the Swiss Confederation.

Who can participate?
All children between 8 and 14 years who live in Switzerland or another ESA member country can submit a drawing. For Drawing-Campaigns outside Switzerland, the respective space agencies for each country are responsible.  A list of contact addresses for different countries will be made available through the CHEOPS-Children’s Drawings Campaign website shortly.